Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Magic World (working title): Chapter 9 part 12

Bernard nodded. Everything accounted for.

His cell phone chirped like a bird in his pocket. He looked at The Drow, who narrowed his eyes.

"Text message," he said. "D'ya mind if I...?"

The Drow made a dismissive gesture with his hand, and glanced away.

Bernard pulled his phone out of his pocket, and pulled open the Messaging app. Flicker's reply was there. "Terre Haute IN. Red Devils MC. Gun Runners. Meth coke etc. Pres Henry Dillon. Will intro you, but no promises."

He checked the time. 10:30 am. He texted back, "Be there in 7.5h. Tell him to expect me." He pressed send. He looked at the Drow as he put the phone back in his pocket. They looked at each other for an awkward moment, before the orc came back in with Bernard's clothes bag.... but not the laptop bag. Bernard smirked a little to himself then sighed as if resigned to his fate.

"It's here," said the orc in a deep gravelly voice. "But there's only 160 in here."

The Drow heaved a sigh, shook his head, and closed his eyes. "Well then," he said looking at Bernard. "Not a lot of choices-"

"I have the rest," said Bernard resignedly. He shook his head and started pulling bundles out of his pockets. He had 5 bundles, 50 thousand. He offered 4 of them to the orc, and looked pitifully at the one he had remaining.

The Drow smiled. "That will do nicely."  He snapped his fingers, and he, the dwarf, and the orc all walked out. A limo pulled up on the street outside, they all piled in and drove off. Bernard wondered vaguely how the limo knew to pull up. Probably the dwarf sent a text... he wouldn't have noticed if he had.

He shook his head and turned to look at the old couple. They stared back at him, fearfully, but resentfully. He couldn't blame them. He held up the last of the $10000 bundles, and offered it to them.

They glanced at it, but the husband shook his head.

"Stolen money. Blood money. I won't have it."

Bernard shook his head. "The bank was insured. Nobody was hurt."

"'Cept that halfling you were talking about. And the insurance company will make their money back by hiking rates on the little people. Spread the pain around. No thank you."

Bernard shook his head again and dropped the bundle on a table next to him. "Fine then, give it to charity or something, I don't care. If you so concerned about who it hurts give it to someone who needs it more." He grimaced and walked out, got into his Mustang and drove off at high speed.

********************************** Chapter 9 part 13

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