Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Magic World (working title): Chapter 9 part 8

There was a little drive that led to the docks off to one side of the Marina itself, but just before that was a little Deli with a good sized back parking lot. There was really no need for a lot that size for a Deli, so no one really went back there, which made it the perfect spot for a drop off.

"Awright, everybody out," said Bernard shutting down the engine, and getting out himself.

The two humans got out on his side, while the halfling, looking rattled got out on the other side.

"Well then everyone ready to settle up and get the hell out of here?" 

The red-bearded human was already holding out three bundles of cash, with straps around them the said "$10000." The dark haired human pulled his three bundles out of the pocket of his black sweatshirt. 

"Very good, and...?" They look around for the halfling, but Bernard could hear him on the other side of the SUV. He walked around the front of the vehicle, and found the little blond man holding a .45 which looked ridiculously big in his hands. 

"Actually," said Bernard, "I believe we agreed you're cut was 40,000."

"You're some kind of crazy person, you nearly got us killed," snarled the halfling. "I'm not getting my cut to some psycho driver who-"

"Darrin!" It was the red haired human. he had come around the back of the SUV, and when he shouted the halfling glanced back at him.

Bernard took the opening and swung his foot around at the gun, which flew out of his hand, bounced off the ground and went off harmlessly into the sky.

"FUCK balls," said Bernard, as he been his knees into a low crouch. The halfling snarled, and pulled a nightstick out of is half opened duffle bag. 

"You want to go?" He said in a high pitched voice. "Bring it ya little bitch!"

He lunged forward swinging the nightstick down and across to meet Bernards knee.

Bernard shuffled into the range of the swing, and caught the halflings wrist on his knee instead, but then had to quickly reach down and grab the nightstick to prevent it accidentally catching him in an even more delicate location. He was then able to quickly pull the nightstick free from the halflings hand. 

The halfling was too busy nursing his wrist to notice when the nightstick handle hooked the back of his ankle, and pulled his leg out from under him. 'Actually,' Bernard reflected, 'his low center of gravity had made him surprisingly difficult to trip.' 

He step quickly forward and belted the little guy across the face, rendering him unconscious.
Then he stood up his knees creaking. He groaned. "Now I remember why I hate fighting halflings. And dwarves. And gnomes... you have to fight on their level which is just too hard on my damn knees."

The dark haired human had just come around the corner too, and saw their halfling compatriot lying on the ground.

"Gimme a hand here," he told red beard, nodding toward the halfling. Together they pick them up and tossed in the front seat of the SUV. 

The dark haired guy looked confused. "I don't get it, are you taking him with you?"

Bernard raised a sarcastic eyebrow at him smirking slightly. "What are you talking about?"

"Uh well, isn't this your SUV?" 

Bernard shruged and looked at it. "Never seen it before today."

"Well then who's...?"

Bernard shruged smirking and not into the halfling. "Looks like it's his."

They both got it then just started laughing. 

"What a creepy little piss-ant," said the red bearded one. "You no he tried to-"

Bernard cut him off. "Sorry, but not a lot of time for chit chat, someone will have heard the gunshot and the police should be here in about... five minutes or so. Give or take. If you could just give me my cut from his bag...?" 

Red Beard picked the duffel up, and started to reach inside, then glanced at the dark haired human who nodded, and seemed to think better of it. He tossed the whole duffel over to Bernard. 

He caught it, taken aback, then nodded graciously to the two. Then he did something he rarely did. 

"What are your names?" 

They smiled and nodded, then Red Beard spoke. "I'm Adam Jones, and this is Walter Quinlan. We're known around here. You?"

"Bernard," he said, pronouncing it 'Bur-nerd.' "Bernard McFreed." 

They nodded. "Look us up next time you need some muscle," said Adam grinning. They jogged quickly back around the building and up the road to the marina.

******************************** Chapter 9 part 9

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