Thursday, October 10, 2013

Narcolepsy, birthdays, and the who the internet has made writing awesome.

So I went to bed last night at about 2 then woke up at about 5.


Yep I slept about 15 hours. I had woken up a few times, and thought about getting up, but couldn't coax myself to do it, and eventually fell back to sleep. I only woke up again when my wife came home from work and woke me up, and at first I thought, wow, maybe  it's not as late as I thought. Then she told me what time it was, and I thought I was only asleep for 3 hours or so? Then she really told me. It totally explained why my mouth was so dry. So that was kinda wierd, I'd slept through most of my birthday.

Anyway, I wanted to talk briefly about how the internet is wonderful for writers. When I wanted to find out where my main character would go college, I checked the internet. When I needed some locations like a self storage park, I checked the internet. I even got street level views, which really helped, which is how I knew that the storage park has a concrete lot, rather than a gravel one.

And I'll try to post links and pics in future updates, but for now, I can't keep going, I'm basically only able to see out of one eye right now, and it's making typing this a real chore, but I wanted to update you guys.

Thanks for Reading!

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